
Showing posts from April, 2022

Hope Springs Eternal

Spring is a special time for those of us who celebrate Easter, and for those of us who don't, crocuses, daffodils, and tulips emerge, and rhododendron and crabapple, cherry and pear trees flower.  For others of us (myself, included) who think that the four greatest words in the English language are, "Pitchers and catchers report," patience has allowed us to witness the "Boys of Summer" and the "Lords of the Realm" once again put aside their differences, and, thankfully, the umpires cried, "Play ball."  All of this annually leads to a renewed sense of hope for most of us.  But . . . I am not sure who coined the phrase, "Hope is not a strategy," but I have heard many people use it to illustrate a point, including assessment guru Rick Stiggins and one of my dear collaborators and thought leader in the area of educational change leadership, Michael Fullan .  A favorite Fullan graphic of mine is a change matrix that identifies the neces...